This story, though not carrying any particularly heart wrenching story, reminds me of my goal in life. The obsession over grades, high schools, achievements.... I sometimes forget why they matter. It isn't simply so that I can go to a good college and live a good life. Ultimately, my life on earth has no meaning on its own. I'm less than a blip in history. My ultimate goal is to create something that will long outlive me.
I turned 14 yesterday. Lying in bed and resting after all the celebration and festivity, I thought about my fourteen years of life so far and I realized, that the me of today has done... practically nothing. If I were to leave the world now, I'd be completely dissatisfied. What have I done to deserve the life that I have today? I want to be someone worthy of what I've been given.
I want to make something out of these past fourteen years. Maybe I haven't made a difference yet, but I have spent fourteen years preparing for it. To be able to have a voice of some sort in this world... that is my dream right now. Right now, I'm not completely ready for it. Writing what I think in the most meaningful way possible is still a struggle for me. But I'm going to keep practicing, keep writing, speaking up. Hopefully in this way, there will come a day when I'm ready for the world to hear me.
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